The fundamental reason why the shopping malls have become centers of attraction arises from the fact that the malls are capable of simultaneously offering many options to their visitors. That is to say, you can shop, have meal, rest at a cafe or go to the movies and spend leisure time in shopping malls. Availability of an electric car charging station in such versatile venue shall not only represent just the reason for preference for the visitors of the shopping mall in itself, but also shall be considered an element of prestige for shopping malls in addition to extra revenues.

The rapid increase in the number of electric cars used by the people necessitates rapid generalization of the charging stations at the same rate. As this fact was already anticipated, the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization has made charging stations mandatory for electric cars in the new parking lots and shopping malls. The resolution on this manner was published in the Official Journal No. 31434 dated March 25, 2021.

Accordingly, at least one of the charging units to be installed in the shopping malls larger than 30 thousand square meters, and at least two of the charging units to be installed in the shopping malls larger than 70 thousand square meters should feature rapid charging capacity as per applicable standards.
If you want to incorporate the future technology, please feel free to contact Geta Charge…